
Last Updated: Monday, 24 July 2023

Faculty members act as thesis advisors and teach the courses offered by the Program. The column Status indicates the level of dedication to the Program’s activities, according to the criteria of the Capes Foundation, the official organism that accreditates and periodically evaluates all garduate programs in Brazil. The CV column provides a link to the curricula of faculty on the Lattes platform, developed and managed by the National Council of Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) of Brazil.

Photo Name Research interests Status Lattes E-mail
Adrian Barnett Distribution, behaviour and conservation of primates P adrian.barnett1.biology@gmail.com
Albertina Pimentel Lima Ecology and biogeography of amphibians and reptiles P lima@inpa.gov.br
Bruce Rider Forsberg Ecology, biogeochemistry and ecotoxicology of aquatic environments P brforsberg@gmail.com
Bruce Walker Nelson Remote sensing applied to plant ecology P bnelsonbr@gmail.com
Camila Ribas Biogeography and evolution; molecular ecology and phylogeny P camilaribas@gmail.com
Carlos Alberto Quesada Biogeochemical cycles; soil diversity P quesada.beto@gmail.com
Carlos Peres Ecology and conservation of tropical ecosystems; applied and landscape ecology, population and community ecology of vertebrates; socio-economy of natural resource use C carlos.a.peres@gmail.com
Cintia Cornelius Landscape ecology; population dynamics and conservation of birds P cintia.cornelius@gmail.com
Clarissa Alves da Rosa Road ecology, verebrate population and community ecology, fauna-flora interactions P rosacla.eco@gmail.com
Darren Norris Animal ecology and conservation C dnorris75@gmail.com
Elizabeth Franklin Chilson Ecology of soil invertebrates P beth@inpa.gov.br
Fabrício Baccaro Ecology of insects and plant-animal interactions; community ecology P fabricera@gmail.com
Fernanda Michalski Ecology and conservation of Amazonian mammals C fmichalski@gmail.com
Fernanda Werneck Evolution, biogeography, macroecology and phylogeny with emphasis on amphibians and reptiles P fewerneck@gmail.com
Flavia Capellotto Costa Ecology of understorey plants; functional ecology; forest dynamics P flaviacosta001@gmail.com
Igor L Kaefer Ecology, behavior and evolution of amphibians and reptiles P kaefer@ufam.edu.br
Jansen Zuanon Community ecology of fishes P zuanon@inpa.gov.br
João Vitor Campos Silva Conservation, socio-ecological systems, traditional populations, use of natural resources, bird ecology, aquatic ecology P jvpiedade@gmail.com
Jochen Schoengart Ecology of floodplain forests P jschoen@gwdg.de
Jose Luis C Camargo Ecology and phenology of forest trees; forest dynamics P zeluiscamargo@gmail.com
Juliana Hipólito de Sousa Insect ecology; plant-animal interactions; landscape ecology; polination ecology P juhipolito@gmail.com
Juliana Schietti Forest structure and dynamics; functional ecology of plants P jujuschietti@gmail.com
Maria Teresa Piedade Ecology of floodplain vegetation P maua.manaus@gmail.com
Marina Anciães Ecology and behaviour of birds P marina.anciaes@gmail.com
Mario Cohn-Haft Evolutionary ecology and biogeography of neotropical birds P mario@buriti.com.br
Noemia Kazue Ishikawa Diversity and microbiology of tropical fungi; chemical ecology P noemia.kazue@gmail.com
Paulo Bobrowiec Ecology and biogeography of bats P paulobobro@gmail.com
Pedro A. C. L. Pequeno Evolutionary biology and ecology, statistics and sampling design, programation in R P pacolipe@gmail.com
Philip Fearnside Carrying capacity of Amazonian agroecosystems; climatic impacts of deforestation P pmfearn@inpa.gov.br
Rafael N Leite Evolutionary ecology, phylogeography and diversification of small mammals P rnleite@gmail.com
Renato Portela Salomão Ecology, biology and natural history of dung beetles P renatopsalomao3@hotmail.com
Sérgio Santorelli Junior Community, population and ecosystem ecology C santorelli.jr@gmail.com
Tomas Hrbek Biogeography, evolution and molecular ecology of vertebrates P tomas@evoamazon.net
William Magnusson Animal and plant ecology P bill@inpa.gov.br
Wilson Spironello Ecology of primates and plant-animal interactions



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