Doctorate production 2012
We indicate the name of the author, the year the PhD degree was obtained, the name of the thesis supervisor, the title of the thesis (with the PDF link) and the references and links to the articles that resulted from the thesis.
Carlos Eduardo de Araújo Barbosa |
2012 |
Flávia Costa |
Barbosa CEA; Misiewicz TM; Fine PVA; Costa FRC. 2013. Plant ontogeny, spatial distance, and soil type influence patterns of relatedness in a common Amazonian tree. Plos One 8:e62639. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0062639 |
Carolina Ribas Pereira |
2012 |
William Magnusson |
Grau de parentesco e relações sociais em ariranhas (Pteronura brasiliensis) |
Ribas C; Vasconcellos AV; Mourão G; Magnusson WE; Solé-Cava AM; Cunha HA. 2011. Polymorphic microsatellite loci from the endangered Giant Otter (Pteronura brasiliensis).Conservation Genetics Resources 3:769-771 doi:10.1007/s12686-011-9454-z Ribas C, Damasceno C, MagnussonWE, Leuchtenberger C, Mourão G. 2012. Giant otters feeding on caiman: evidence for na expanded trophic niche of recovering populations. Studies Neotrop Fauna Env 47:19-23. doi:10.1080/01650521.2012.662795 |
Caroline Leuchtenberger |
2012 |
William Magnusson |
Ecologia espacial e comunicação vocal de ariranhas (Pteronura brasiliensis) no Pantanal |
Leuchtenberger C, Ribas C, Mourão G, Magnusson WE. 2012. To each his own taste: latrines of the giant otter as a food resource for vertebrates in southern Pantanal, Brazil. Studies Neotrop Fauna Env 47:81-85. doi:10.1080/01650521.2012.697690 Leuchtenberger C; Oliveira-Santos LGR; Magnusson WE; Mourão G. 2013. Space use by giant otter groups in the Brazilian Pantanal. Journal of Mammalogy 94:320-330. doi:10.1644/12-MAMM-A-210.1 Leuchtenberger C; Zucco CA; Ribas C; Magnusson WE; Mourão G. 2013. Activity patterns of giant otters recorded by telemetry and camera traps. Ethol Ecol & Evol 12:1-10. doi:10.1080/03949370.2013.821673 Leuchtenberger C, Sousa-Lima R, Duplaix N, Magnusson WE, Mourão G. 2014. Vocal repertoire of the social giant otter. J Acoustic Soc Am 136:2861-2875. doi:10.1121/1.4896518 Leuchtenberger C, Magnusson WE, Mourão G. 2015. Territoriality of giant otter groups in an area with seasonal flooding. PLoS ONE 10(5):e0126073. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0126073 Leuchtenberger C, Almeida SB, Andriolo A, Crawshaw PG. 2016. Jaguar mobbing by giant otter groups. Acta Ethologica 19:143-146. doi:10.1007/s10211-016-0233-4 |
Cíntia Gomes de Freitas Rolim |
2012 |
Renato Cintra |
De Freitas CG; De Sales-Dambros C; Eiserhardt WL; Costa FRC; Svenning, J-C; Balslev H. 2014. Phylogenetic structure of a palm community in the central Amazon: changes along a hydro-edaphic gradient. Plant Ecology 215:1173-1185. doi:10.1007/s11258-014-0376-1 Freitas C, Costa FRC, Barbosa CE, Cintra R. 2016. Restriction limits and main drivers of fruit production in palms in central Amazonia. Acta Oecologica 77:75-84. doi:10.1016/j.actao.2016.09.003 |
Fabiano Waldez Silva Guimarães |
2012 |
Richard Vogt |
Waldez F; Menin M; Vogt RC. 2013. Diversidade de anfíbios e répteis Squamata na região do baixo rio Purus, Amazônia Central, Brasil. Biota Neotropica 13:300-316. doi:10.1590/S1676-06032013000100029 |
Igor Luis Kaefer |
2012 |
Albertina Lima |
Kaefer IL; Lima AP. 2012. Sexual signals of the Amazonian frog Allobates paleovarzensis: geographic variation and stereotypy of acoustic traits. Behaviour 149:15-33. doi:10.1163/156853912X623757 Kaefer IL; Tsuji-Nishikido BM; LIMA AP. 2012. Beyond the river: underlying determinants of population acoustic signal variability in Amazonian direct-developing Allobates (Anura: Dendrobatoidea). Acta Ethologica 15:187-194. doi:10.1007/s10211-012-0126-0 Kaefer IL; Tsuji-Nishikido BM; Mota EP; Farias IP; Lima AP. 2013. The early stages of speciation in Amazonian forest frogs: phenotypic conservatism despite strong genetic structure. Evolutionary Biology 40:228–245. doi:10.1007/s11692-012-9205-4 |
Ítalo Martins da Costa Mourthé |
2012 |
Renato Cintra |
Mourthé I. 2013. How much effort should be employed for surveying a low-diversity Amazonian mammal assemblage using line-transects?. Zoologia 30:119-124. doi:10.1590/S1984-46702013000100016 Mourthé I. 2014. Response of frugivorous primates to changes in fruit supply in a northern Amazonian forest. Brazilian Journal of Biology 74:720-727. doi:10.1590/bjb.2014.0088 |
Jackson Pantoja Lima |
2012 |
George Rebêlo |
Pantoja-Lima J; Braga TP; Felix-Silva D; Pezzuti JCB; Rebêlo GH. 2012. Mapeamento participativo do uso dos recursos naturais e conhecimento tradicional sobre ecologia de quelônios na várzea do Rio Purus, Brasil. Papers do NAEA 2012:294 Pantoja-Lima J, Aride PHR, Oliveira AT, Felix-Silva D, Pezzuti JCB, Rebêlo GH. 2014. Chain of commercialization of Podocnemis spp turtles (Testudines: Podocnemididae) in the Purus River, Amazon basin, Brazil: current status and perspectives. J Ethnobiol Ethnomed 10:8. doi:10.1186/1746-4269-10-8 |
Julio Daniel do Vale |
2012 |
Jansen Zuanon |
Vale JD, Zuanon J, Magnusson WE. 2014. The influence of rain in limnological characteristics of Viruá wetlands, Brazilian Amazon. Acta Limnologica Brasiliensia 26:254-267. doi:10.1590/S2179-975X2014000300005 |
Luciana Kreutz Erdtmann |
2012 |
Albertina Lima |
Propagação e reconhecimento específico do canto de anúncio de anuros no tempo e no espaço |
Erdtmann LK; Lima AP. 2013. Environmental effects on anuran call design: what we know and what we need to know. Ethol Ecol & Evol 25:1-11. doi:10.1080/03949370.2012.744356 |
Tony Marcos Porto Braga |
2012 |
George Rebêlo |
Braga TMP, Rebêlo GH. 2014. Conhecimento tradicional dos pescadores do baixo Juruá: aspectos relacionados aos hábitos alimentares dos peixes da região. Interciencia (Caracas) 39:659-665 Braga TMP, Rebêlo GH. 2015. Usos da fauna por comunitários da Reserva Extrativista do Baixo Juruá, Amazonas, Brasil. Papers do NAEA (UFPA) 347:3-25. |