Doctorate production 2007
We indicate the name of the author, the year the PhD degree was obtained, the name of the thesis supervisor, the title of the thesis (with the PDF link) and the references and links to the articles that resulted from the thesis.
Ana Lúcia Miranda Tourinho |
2007 |
Eduardo Venticinque |
Auristela dos Santos Conserva |
2007 |
Maria Teresa Piedade |
Conserva AS; Santana DG; Piedade MTF. 2013. Seed features of important timber species from the floodplain várzea forest: implications for ex situ conservation programs in the Amazon. Uakari 9:7-19 Conserva A, Camargo JLC, Santana DG, Piedade MTF. 2018. Germinative behaviour of ten tree species in white-water floodplain forests in central Amazonia. Folia Geobotanica 53: 89-101. |
Eliana Fernández Storti |
2007 |
Pedro Ivo Braga |
Dinâmica populacional e biologia reprodutiva de Cattleya eldorado Linden (Orchidaceae) |
Storti EF, Braga PIS, Storti-Filho A. 2011. Biologia reprodutiva de Cattleya eldorado, uma espécie de Orchidaceae das campinas amazônicas. Acta Amazonica 41: 361-368. |
Genimar Rebouças Julião |
2007 |
Eduardo Venticinque |
Julião GR, Venticinque EM, Fernandes GW. 2005. Richness and abundance of gall-forming insects in the Mamirauá Várzea, a flooded Amazonian forest. Revista Uakari 1: 39-42. Julião GR, Venticinque EM, Fernandes GW, Price PW. 2015. Unexpected high diversity of galling insects in the Amazonian upper canopy: the savanna out there. Plos One 9: e114986. |
Ynglea Georgina de Freitas Goch |
2007 |
Bruce Forsberg |
Efeitos do assoreamento sobre as comunidades de peixes de igarapés da bacia do Rio Urucu, Coari, Amazonas, Brasil |