Producción del doctorado 2018
Se indican el nombre del autor, el año de obtención del título, el nombre del director de tesis, el título da la tesis (con acceso al PDF) y las referencias y links de las publicaciones resultantes de la tesis.
Anthony Santana Ferreira |
2018 |
Albertina Lima |
Allobates femoralis como modelo para caracterizar gradientes geográficos sutis e nítidos na Bacia Amazônica
Ferreira AS, Jehle R, STOW AJ, LIMA AP. 2018. Soil and forest structure predicts large-scale patterns of occurrence and local abundance of a widespread Amazonian frog. Peer Journal 6: e5424 |
Carolina Levis |
2018 |
Flávia Costa |
Domesticação das Florestas Amazônicas |
Levis C, Clement CR, ter Stege H, Bongers F, Junqueira AB, Pitman N, Peña-Claros M, Costa FRC. 2017. Forest conservation: Human’s handprints (reply to DRYFLOR et al.). Science Letters 355 (6324):466-467. Levis C, Costa FRC, Bongers F, Peña-Claros M, Clement CR, Junqueira AB, Neves EG, Tamanaha EK, Figueiredo FOG, Salomão RP et al. 2017. Persistent effects of pre-Columbian plant domestication on Amazonian forest composition. Science 355 (6328): 925-931 (3 mar 2017) Levis C, Flores BM, Moreira PA, Luize BG, Alves RP, Franco-Moraes J, Lins J, Konings E, Peña-Claros M, Bongers F, Costa FRC, Clement CR. 2018. How people domesticated Amazonian forests. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 5: 171. |
Miquéias Ferrão da Silva Junior |
2018 |
Albertina Lima |
Desvendando o desconhecido: padrões de distribuição e diversidade em anuros no interflúvio Purus-Madeira |
Ferrão M, Colatreli O, Fraga R, Kaefer IL, Moravec J, Lima AP. 2016. High species richness of Scinax treefrogs (Hylidae) in a threatened Amazonian landscape revealed by an integrative approach. Plos One 11:e0165679 Ferrão M, Moravec J, Fraga R, Almeida A, Kaefer IL, Lima AP. 2017. A new species of Scinax from the Purus-Madeira interfluve, Brazilian Amazonia (Anura, Hylidae). Zookeys 706:137-162. Ferrão M, Fraga R, Moravec J, Kaefer IL, Lima AP. 2018. A new species of Amazonian snouted treefrog (Hylidae: Scinax) with description of a novel species-habitat association for an aquatic breeding frog. PeerJ 6: e4321. Ferrão M, Moravec J, Kaefer IL, Fraga R, Lima AP. 2018. New species of Anura: Hylidae with red-striped eyes from Brazilian Amazonia. Journal of Herpetology 52: 473-486. |