Spotted like a jaguar: a new tree frog from the southern Amazon
A new tree frog species of the genus Scinax has been described for the southern Amazon region by Miquéias Ferrão and colleagues. The description, which derives from the doctoral project of Mr. Ferrão, was published recently in ZooKeys.
Insularization effects on bird acoustic signals
For his master's project in Ecology, Thiago Bicudo analyzed the effect of lanscape changes on the scructural and temporal parameters of the vocalization of two suboscine birds that are common in primary forests, Lipaugus vociferans and Tyranneutes virescens. The former species is one of the trademark voices in Amazonian rainforests. The study has been recently published in Behavioral Ecology.
Carolina Levis one of the winners of the 2017 Nanocell prize
A doctoral student of INPA's graduate program in Ecology, Carolina Levis, has won the Nanocell Institute's 2nd Award for Scientists and Entrepreneur of the Year, in the category Biotechnology in Agronomy and Industry, for her research on the pre-columbian domestication of tree species in Amazonian forest.